Exhibited @ 2024 SDF

03 Ego

About broken horn and positive energy

I had two horns.

But I lost one. 

I think it's okay, though.

There's a lot of energy coming out of that horn that's cut off.

I should have gotten rid of it earlier.

I'm glad I found out now.

I mean it.

Everyone has their own disadvantages. Just as there are advantages. The disadvantages I think or the disadvantages others say, and the feelings of qualification that result from that. I made it with the hope that I could overcome them.
I just wanted to say if I'm in pain because of the way people look at it as a disadvantage by pushing certain standards when it's all different, just ignore those things and be myself.
The name of the work is "About Broken Horn and Positive Energy." If the two horns are symmetrical to the ideal defined by society, I have thought that one of them has a truncated horn. The truncated horn does not grow back. Then, I did not hide it, but rather imagined that a greater positive energy would emerge from it when it is proudly revealed. In fact, when you burn Insense, the smoke rises bigger and more splendidly from the cut horns than from the intact horns.