Exhibited @ 2024 SDF
05 Ego
The Coexistence of Ideal and Reality
Everyone says it's their first time seeing my horn in person,
and they want it too.
Yeah, this is kind of cool.
So I told them that everyone can have it if they want.
Even if I tell them how, they just hesitate.
That's right. It can hurt a little because the wound is open.
But this is pretty cool.
I recommend it!
The horn on the forehead looks just like that of a unicorn. And everybody envies me for having perfect horns. And they even ask me how I can get one. And that's when I say, "You can have it. If you decide to have it, you can have it." But everyone says it's too ideal. Realistically, it's impossible. But it's extremely real for someone who has it.
Someone talks like it's a concept that's far from reality, but I think it's a concept that can coexist if I can accept it.
Well, a great horn won't just appear one day. It's something you have to accept the process of getting it, the hardships and shortcomings of the process, and the emotions that can't be expressed in words. And while that horn may be ideal to someone, in my eyes, a strange flower that blooms in the process of getting it, or a smiling, wriggling creature, may be more valuable. Many people may want a great unicorn horn, but for someone else, something else may be more precious. I thought that it might be comforting to me to set my own standards for my own values rather than just using values that seem plausible to others as a standard. Likewise, I think that accepting the other person's standards and acknowledging his or her values is also a form of respect for the other person and can be a consolation to him or her when he or she is having a hard time.